Menstrual cramps! (Blight of many a woman's monthly cycle)
Gentle yoga can benefit women with this problem.
When the only thing you really want to do is curl up in your bed, because you know the cramps are on their way, what you really need to do is “EXERCISE”, right before and during your menstrual cycle, it can and will help lessen the severity of menstrual cramping.
Studies show that one in every three women suffers from menstrual cramps, according to the book: "Yoga for Women." And, while exercise might be the last thing you feel like doing when you're on your period, studies have also proven that physical activity can lessen pain and cramping; it's worth getting yourself to yoga class.
Easy Yoga Poses for Relief of Menstrual Cramps This
sequence of yoga poses will help alleviate menstrual cramping. Be sure to take
these yoga
poses for relief of menstrual cramps slowly. Trying to stretch too deeply actually causes your muscles
to tighten. (Ah – yoga isn’t about trying, but allowing!) If you don’t have yoga blocks at
home, grab some books or pillows to use as props for this relaxing yoga routine.
Relieving menstrual pain is all about loosening the pelvis, which means pelvis
opening moves four to five times per week before or during your period, This
pleasant, slow-paced 7-minute yoga routine will stretch out your midsection and
help you feel better fast.
Few most effective poses are;
Camel Pose
The camel pose is a powerful posture for stretching the spine, back muscles, shoulders and arms. It is best to practice it later in your asana routine after most of the muscles are limber and and you have worked the back and shoulders.(bring both knees slowly to the floor, keeping palms flat on the floor. Straighten the back, and place hands on upper thighs. Bring the left arm back to touch the calf or ankle, and then do the right one. Hold for a few minutes.)The Bow Pose
The body form in this asana resembles a bow . It is one of the best pose for strengthening the joints of the body. It has some special benefits for women. (Lie on your belly with your hands alongside your torso, palms up.Exhale and bend your knees, bringing your heels as close as you can to your buttocks. Reach back with your hands and take hold of your ankles. Make sure your knees aren't wider than the width of your hips, and keep your knees hip width for the duration of the pose)
Hero Pose
The Sanskrit word vira means
hero, brave or eminent man, or warrior. The Hero Pose is one of the basic
Seated Postures, also excellent for Meditation. The internal rotation of the
upper legs and knees is opposite to the movement involved in the Lotus Pose; as
such, it both loosens the hips, knees, and ankles in preparation for the Lotus
Pose and acts as a mild counterpose. The Hero Pose is also the starting Yoga
position for several forward bends, backward bends, and twists.
Cat or Cow Pose
The Cat Yoga Pose teaches you to initiate movement from your center and to coordinate your movement and breath.The alignment of your center depends on the positioning of your pelvis. Therefore, think of your hip positioning as the center of each pose. This is important because your spine is the most significant line of energy in every pose and because the way your spine elongates from your center depends solely on which way your pelvis is turning.
Supported child's pose
From all fours, bring your feet together and your knees apart. Place a bolster or pillow between your legs to support your pelvis, and place another underneath your belly, chest and head. Gently ease your weight back and down towards your heels and stretch your arms out in front of you or let them rest to either side of the body. Stay as long as you like, breathing deeply.
There are some caveats when practicing yoga during your period:
- Don’t practice the asana that squeeze the abdominal region. Such asanas cause hindrance to the natural flow of blood to the pelvic region.
- Avoid inversions or head and shoulder stands during the menstrual cycle.
- The postures which put stress or pressure in the lower abdominal are contraindicated.
- A slow gentle yoga practice is recommended during menstruation.
I hope you’ll try these easy yoga poses for relief of menstrual cramps and feel better soon! If you think others would benefit from these tips, please share via the button below to help get the word out! And be sure to bookmark this page for next month.
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