Find Your Perfect Glow
Fresh-looking skin is something most women strive for,
and many spend lots of money looking for the miracle mixture that'll give them
stunning results.
Want the glow for yourself? Here is
the fool-proof steps to achieve flawless skin, Knock of each step down for glowing skin and you'll be
ready to pull out your favorite summer dress in no time flat.
From foundation to blusher, mascara to a simple moisturiser,summer skin should be sun-kissed, fresh and feminine
Always start off with a great
skincare routine that is specific for your skin type. In order to look good baring that skin, you need to take some time
to ready your skin and reverse the signs of neglect you showed your
skin during fall, winter and spring.. It's so very important to exfoliate your skin(hydrates, moisturizes, and soften). Your body sheds skin cells at an amazing rate every minute of every day.To get rid of it do dry body brush daily,It encourages the flushing out of excess fluids and toxins,improves circulation and lightly exfoliates the skin and You'll see firmer skin within days.
Once you've given your skin a
well-deserved drink. You have so many choices when it comes to adding a little summer tint to your skin,use your favorite and reliable product suitable for your skin. If you alternate your facial moisturizer with one that builds a bit of
color, you'll have a healthy glow that will make it look as though you
just spent the weekend on the beach.then powder only the T-zone
and chin leaving the cheeks unpowdered.
I'm a freak about the cheek bones and I
like to use cream blushes to highlight them. Apply it with your fingers, a synthetic brush, or a sponge. Whether you want a light pink flush or a deep coral
glow, summer’s newest blushes come in an array of shades boosted with
added benefits. After you've finished rouging, highlight the top of your cheekbones
with an illuminating lighter blush.
Finish off this look with a sheer,
lightly frosted lip gloss, fresh lip colour is always a good investment. If you don't wear a lot of make-up during the summer, always focus on
great skin and a bit of lip colour to make you look fresh and awake.
Now that you've followed these
simple steps to unleash your outer (and inner!) glow, enjoy all the compliments
you'll soon be receiving ;)
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