Guys always say "STOP WEARING MAKEUP OR YOU LOOK BETTER NATURALLY " blah blah! Where as we Ladies are always concerned about what we look like before we leave the house. Isn’t it?
We often feel it's an absolute must to "put on our faces" before we go out, which is quite hypocritical considering we’re actually hiding our looks in doing so. I know I don’t feel like "myself" until I at least put on my cover-up and mascara. We’ve become so convinced that a beautiful woman should not only have great curves, large breasts, and sexy legs, but also plump, glossy lips, thick eyelashes, smooth and blemish-free skin, etc. The mistake is putting on so much makeup that we resemble a raccoon, or Mimi from The Drew Carey Show.
Do we really need makeup to be beautiful? Are we actually unattractive without it? Should it just be left to special events? What do the guys think of our makeup? In the recent survey a group of men shared their feelings and opinions. Check out some of their responses below!
Question: How do you feel about women wearing makeup? Do you think it’s sexy or make here look beautiful, and if so, do you like a little or a lot of makeup? Do you think it could impact a first impression?
- “Of course it can impact first impressions, but most of the time it’s not a good one. Eye liner is okay, but too much shadow looks trashy. Why shade your eye lids? It doesn’t make any sense to me. I understand if you’re trying to cover pimples with cover up, but do you not like the complexion of your eyelids?”
- “It depends on the woman. Some just do not need it. I wouldn’t call it sexy but it can catch the eye of men.”
- “A lot of eye makeup looks slutty. A little can be sexy and seductive. The biggest thing is to make sure the color compliments her natural color and what she’s wearing. On a daily basis, no makeup is best. Allowing one’s natural beauty to show is best of all. The last thing you want us to think of is Tammy Fey Baker.”
- “It’s sexy at night, but not all day, every day. No dude wants a girl constantly caked in makeup. If it’s a day at the beach, store, walking around, etc., it’s a turnoff and screams high maintenance and fake. If it’s at a party, restaurant, or event, it could make a good impression.”
- “Too much means they’re hiding behind something. It’s a turnoff. No one wants to taste makeup. I do think a little eye liner is super sexy, but not to the point where it looks like it was put on with a paint roller.”
- “I prefer the confidence of a girl who feels she looks good without it, but if she must, some dynamic eye shadow conveys a first impression of creativity. If overdone, it only conveys insecurity.”
- “If it’s done tastefully, as in no outrageous colors that don’t even bring out the color of your eyes…the goal isn’t to look like a clown.”
- Too much makeup can be a hideous thing, and I often think my wife looks better au natural. But there's no question men will respond positively to well-done makeup, and if you know how to use it, it can be a powerful weapon in your dating arsenal. My understanding is that most makeup is designed to simulate the way your face looks during coitus: plumped lashes suggest pupil dilation, blush implies a workout, and foundation makes your skin all smooth and flushed like it is during sex.
- Less is more. Definitely. You don't want to overdo it. If you don't exude beauty from within, no amount of makeup will be able to cover that up.
“Few of them are tolerable even good, but few answers make me paint their face in a crying clown with my
own makeup kit :/ “

However, it’s just a form of coloration, personality is always the key! But applying make up is always fun because ladies can tweak around with it and use it to their advantage. It should be light and sexy and emphasize only, not take away from your looks.
We’ve all heard the saying, “The eyes are the window to the soul,” right? So, next time we put on our faces in the morning, maybe we should just lean towards the essentials and stick to natural look.
You're Amazing, Thanks for sharing such a good post. I really liked the post.