MAGICAL TUMERIC EYE-MASK (Instant solution to dark circles and eye bags!)

Put all your efforts to solve our most annoying skin grievance called dark, ultra-disturbing under-eye circles, to rest.
Today we are sharing so far the most effective and cheap DIY eye-mask to counter our long and (I might add) very expensive range of less-than-satisfactory pursuits.

How to make;
In a bowl mix, one teaspoon of gelatin powder with one teaspoon of turmeric powder, add milk until obtaining a homogeneous mixture that can stay under eye. Let the DIY turmeric mask sit for about 15 minutes, use a washcloth to carefully wipe away the mask. You may notice a touch of a yellow aftermath, but this will fade as soon as you carry out the rest of your skin regimen.

One quick tip: Turmeric stains super easily, so make sure anything you don't want dandelion yellow is out of the way—it even stains porcelain.
